Monday, May 4, 2009

5 things in 5th months

[1] - 5 Names I go by:
- ija

[2] - 5 things I want in my life:
- cooL lamborghini~ =D
- goOd hubBy
- grEat Life!

[3] - 5 Places I want to go:
- Japan
-New Zealand
[4] - 5 TV Shows that I watch currently
-Desperate housewives
-are u smarter thn a fifth grader?
-movies laaa
[5] - 5 places I have been
-Melaka (kampung bapaku dan penah blajar setaun..kt mtrix Londang)
-Pahang(kg mak..ahahaha)
-sbenanye sluruh mesia dh pegi...cop2 kecuali sabah!
-mane lagi nk ak describe???xde kot~

[6] - People that e-mail/contact me regularly
-bro whom now in Korea
-kawan2 SEMASHUR
-ibu angkat
-mak ayah aku laa
-facebook duk bg notification=P

[7] - 5 of my favorite foods
- Saye nak..Mee ItaLY..=P (iklan astro laa) ak ske spaghetti
- Pizza
-Nasi ayam
-masak lemak cili padi...pergggghhhhh!

[8] - 5 things I would like to do:
-browsing internet
-makan =P
[9] - 5 Things I am looking forward to:

- tunggu gaji kua...nk shopping!!
- ngah kumpul duet nk bli DSLR
- mengubah hidup jd lebih bermakna,sempurna,bahagia, jauh dr kesilapan lame!
- belajar rerajin...
- study abroad!!!!!

eh???? ade seploh soklan je ke....dah...sesape yg nk copy+paste..silekan...

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