Sunday, July 31, 2011

Red Velvet first Attempt~!

Like i told yesterday...

Today i will post bout my red velvet first attempt cake baking!

first, i will put the recipe..

i grab it from some website i did not remember which link.huhu.

here is the recipe:

Bahan-bahan ( 12 biji )
·         Bahan kering
·         2 1/2 cawan tepung gandum
·         1 1/2 cawan gula icing
·         1 sudu kecil garam
·         1 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat
·         1/2 cawan serbuk koko ( guna yang good quality, kalau tak tak berasa nanti)

·         Bahan basah
·         2 biji telur
·         1/2 cawan minyak ( minyak jagung/canola/sayuran)
·         1 cawan buttermilk ( 1 cawan susu + 1 sudu besar cuka putih / lemon juice - macam buat tairu)
·         1 sudu kecil vanilla essence
·         1 sudu kecil cuka putih
·         1 sudu besar pewarna merah

·         Cream cheese topping
·         125 gm cream cheese
·         1/2 cawan butter ( lebih sedap guna unsalted)
·         1/2 cawan gula icing
·         1 sudu besar perahan lemon
1.    Panaskan oven 180 degree celcius
2.    Ayak bahan kering
3.    pukul semua bahan basah dengan mixer hingga kembang dan sebati
4.    Masukkan bahan kering ke dalam adunan bahan basah - gaul hingga sebati ( boleh guna mixer, low speed)
5.    Masukkan dalam acuan, bakar selama 18-20 minit
6.    Untuk topping , pukul semua bahan sehingga sebati. Letak topping bila cupcakes yang dah masak tu sejuk

The recipe is actually for cupcakes. but i just put it in a mould of 10"

Let's start baking!

Add on all the wet ingredients (at this step, don't forgot to pre heat oven at 180 degrees)

while waiting the wet ingredient to blend in together, in different bowl, mix all the dry ingredient

Add in the dry ingredient 

Let all ingredients blend together

Here is the result after adding up the red colouring

Put in mould

after baking it 25minutes

leave it cold, cut the cake into half..

its time to put the cheese frosting!

tadaaa! **messy >.<

another shot

put the cake in the fridge...

cut out a piece! (after several hour in fridge)Tadaaa~~~

the other parts...

***The red velvet came up not very red...

it is more to red-dark chocolate in color..

but i still feel satisfied..

the taste is marvelous~!

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